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Susan Rose

Ko Te Tarai o Rahiri te maunga
Ko Mangakahia te awa

Ko Mataatua te waka

Ko Ngati Te Rino te hapu

Ko Nukutawhiti (now called Te Tarai O Rahiri) te marae
Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi
Ko Tirihia Taniora Whareumu Kuha rāua ko Bert Maney ōku tūpuna
Ka heke ki a ahau, ko Susan Rose e mihi atu nei ki a koutou.

Nō reira, me mahi tahi tātou i roto i te aroha, i te rangimārie me te manawanui, i raro i te korowai manaakitanga o Ranginui me Papatūānuku.

Ko Wai Au

My journey into Rongoā and Healing practises began with my Scottish grandmother, teaching me about plants when I was in a pram, my great grandmother Tirihia took care of the Marae Maara.


I feel at home when Im hugging a rakau! In my twenties, a well-known Tohunga told me I had healing hands and who my guide was that will come to me later in life; I used to go to the Rongoa Clinics to observe and watch in awe.


Over the years I have added to my kete and work alongside my tipuna and nga atua to provide what is needed.

"Once relaxed true healing begins within"

"Mahia i runga i te rangimarie me te ngakau mahaki - with a peaceful mind and a respectful heart, we will always get the best results."

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