What is the healing power of plants? Plants are highly potent in that they can heal the body with their chemical constituents, but plants also respond to our emotions and thoughts. They know what we're thinking and feeling or whether we're going to cause harm or peace.
The true healing power of plants is in the mauri or life-force of the plant. It is the Divine Light that emanates from the plant that creates true healing.
Plants are here to guide us in remembering who we truly are.

To connect to the healing power of plants we connect to the mauri.
We move out of the mind and ego and drop into the heart space.
From the heart space we receive permission to enter the spirit world of plant beings.
All plants have unique personalities and different ways of expressing themselves. They have something profound to share with us and the message will not be the same for all of us. The plant beings may show us a myriad of insights. They'll show us what we need to know for healing or for higher consciousness. Each plant has so many healing aspects, and how those manifest for one person may not be the same as for another. This is a co-creative partnership between ourselves and the plant.
"If we could see the miracle of a single flower
clearly our whole life would change."
- Buddha
During the long Winter months, a plant goes into wānanga, a deep stillness. Pure potentiality is in the space of stillness. A plant (as well as humans) gathers strength and creativity in the stillness before it emerges into the world of light. When Spring arrives, the plant carries the regenerative energy of emergence to be able to release the mauri or life-force of a putiputi (flower). It requires energy to bring to light the vibrant colour of a flower and the glorious scent that it pervades.
The putiputi reveals to us the mana and mauri of the plant. It is the putiputi that ensures the plants success of lineage. When she begins the sacred unfolding of emergence from within the bud, we can sense her resonance in low soft tones. As she nears completion of unfoldment her resonance is in the highest form of vibration that can make your heart feel joyful and sing. She has a message to share from where she has been within the stillness and she wants to sing it to the world. Can you hear her? The birds can hear her and will often show their excitement before she is in full bloom. They can hear her low soft tones as she unfolds.
The blooms of rākau move through different states within the shades of their hue. We think we are choosing them to work with however, it is they who choose us and they have a profound message to share.
Learning to connect to the mauri of rākau will elevate our awareness. They guide us in raising our vibration so we can be the omnipotent being we came here to be.
When a plant chooses to work with us, we will see it with our whole being, not just with our physical eyes.
Acknowledge the connection.
Allow it to unfold for you with no resistance.
Admire its beauty.
Feel its beauty working with you.
When we resonate to the plants frequency it will help us to clear old or stuck energy. The more we work with the plants frequency the deeper the healing will be for us. Old energy will come up to be released. Give permission to allow them to simply fall away by focusing on the higher frequency of the plant. Journal writing about what we're feeling helps enormously to move stagnant energy.

Plants are evolving just like humans. There is new rongoā being imparted and supplied from plants just as humans develop new needs. It's the wairua of the plant that requires special attention now due to the loss of spiritual development in humans. Humans are being starved from the nourishment of wairua and wānanga (the space of spiritual essence). There is a huge desire to return to the old ways of traditional medicine because we yearn to feel the mauri of what this provides for us. Our wairua longs for spiritual nourishment, to be surrounded by it, to be talking about it, but more importantly to feel safe in our environment to live it. We have forgotten the true power of what plants provide for us.
The difference between knowing a plant and knowing the spirit of a plant often arises. Having a casual understanding of a plant learned from books feeds the mind, having an intimate relationship with the spirit of the plant feeds the soul. When one comes to know the wairua of a plant, a merging with the plant takes place and communication freely flows from the plant in the form of insights, an inner knowing. It brings a profound awareness of self and a deeper understanding of truth. When this happens we want to be near the plant to prolong the experience. We want to bring it home with us to be near it. We want to consume it so that we feel the vibratory essence inside of us. It's an intimate relationship with the spirit of the plant. Once the spirit has merged with us we can call upon its essence for healing purposes.
Joanne Hakaraia
If you are interested in learning more about connecting to the mauri of rākau for deep healing you may be interested in our online Rongoā Mauri Wānanga. The next intake of students is March 2024.
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